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Q: What is a Virtual Assistant Ghostwriter?

A:  In a typical situation, the person you hire to assist you in any writing project never shows up at your office, but (virtually) delivers what you ordered, from a remote location instead. 

Q. What does a Ghostwriter do?

A: Ghostwriters write whatever written content you need, such as: articles, blog posts, case studies, white papers, emails and sales letters, manuals or books. Since your Ghostwriter’s name rarely appears in/on the document (your choice), he or she prepares that content in the style or “voice” of you, the client, whose name will appear as the author. A document or manuscript that reflects your input should carry your name, too.

Q: What are your Rates?

A:  Rates for some services, like Proofreading, are often quoted hourly because a proofreader knows how many pages/words can be examined in an hour, but rates for larger projects, like editing or researching and writing a book, are often calculated as a project fee. 

Writers who work long-term are usually paid a retainer fee by a client who needs them to be available on short notice for various projects.

Rates and Services of JMcontent, LLC are spelled out in more detail on this site. (Click Here)